About NJC

Nordic Journalist Centre (NJC) is a non-profit organisation founded in 1957. Our goal is to strengthen the development of Nordic media and journalism by organizing mid-career training and courses for journalists from all Nordic countries, based on common cultural values and the ‘Nordic media Model’. Furthermore, NJC contributes to networking activities among journalists and editors in the Nordic Region.

We build our work on solid knowledge of the Nordic region’s media industry and long term collaborations with media and institutions in both the region and the neighbouring countries.

Nordic Journalist Centre has been situated in Aarhus at the Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX) since 2010. NJC is placed under the Department of Research and Development benefitting greatly from close collaboration with the rest of DMJX.

NJC takes it basis in the Nordic Council of Ministers and has had a close association to the council and Nordic institutions from the very start.

Today, the perspective of NJC has expanded to the neighboring region such as the Baltic countries, Belarus and Ukraine.

Nordic starting point and network

NJC’s work is based on common Nordic core values and best practices from the ‘Nordic Media Model’:

  • Pluralism
  • A history of transparent public service media and an arm’s length principle to government bodies
  • A strong independent private sector with competing media
  • A high, generel level of trust to journalistically edited media

Sustainability and green transition

The Nordic Council of Ministers’ strategy for 2021 – 2024 is focused on a green Nordic Region, a competitive Nordic Region, and a socially sustainable Nordic Region.

This strategy is consistent with our own strategy and action plan. The green transition presupposes an active participation and behavior of the citizens, which requires that the citizens have access to correct information, which in turn presupposes professional, independent quality journalism.

NJC’s strategy includes the Arctic region as part of the Nordic region. We have chosen to focus on the Arctic and on strengthening climate and environmental journalism with a special focus on the green transition and the need for sustainable development.

The goals of social sustainability and a competitive Nordic region also require informed citizens, which in turn requires the media to have strong competencies within digital innovation and media including knowledge on user behavior.